Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Weekend Report (by BBFinance)
We all can see the writing on the wall but can we read it?
The Chicago PMI, another cooked up data by the Govt. went negative, despite all
efforts by the powers that be, for the 1st time since 2009. The
following chart is from Reuters:
Money Flow for September Week Four and Q3
I apologize for the length of my post, but I had a lot to say…thanks for bearing with me!
Further to my last weekly market update, this week's update will look
- Weekly charts and graphs of the 6 Major Indices and 9 Major Sectors
- Quarterly charts of the 4 Major Indices
- Daily charts of the 4 E-mini Futures Indices
- 2 Daily Volatility Ratio charts of the S&P 500 and Russell 2000 Indices
- Daily charts and a Weekly graph of Commodities
- Daily charts and a Weekly graph of the Major Currencies
- a Weekly chart of 30-Year Bonds
Introducing Slope+
For most of this year, I have been quietly guiding the development of a subscription-based version of Slope
of Hope. I've been writing Slope for seven and a half years, so many have wondered why I didn't do this long ago, but – – better late than never.
There are, of course, many fee-based investment sites out there, and I have given extensive thought to the supplemental content I'd provide to the expanded site as well as the pricing. If you survey the landscape of trading-related sites, the pricing tends to cluster around the $80 to $100 per month range. To phrase this inelegantly, I am deliberately making my site, which is called Slope+ ("Slope Plus"), cheap at $19.95/month (or $199.95 a year).
So what's the "plus" in Slope+? Well, this page lays it out nicely-formatted, what "plus" includes:
+ An advertising-free environment;
+ An exclusive library of technical analysis videos ("Slope University")
+ An exclusive library of ProphetCharts tutorials
+ Regularly-posted members-only video updates ("Slope TV")
+ Exclusive member posts
Let me try to answer a few anticipated questions:
Is the free Slope going away? No. I've spent nearly eight years building up a worldwide audience of traders. I have no intention of putting up a brick wall and destroying all that hard-won goodwill. is here to stay.
Is the community different on Slope versus Slope+? Again, no. I recognize the community, clustered
around the custom comments system I created, is the heart and soul of this blog. My first requirement to the engineers who created Slope+ was that Slope+ act as a "sister site", and that the comments stream be identical on both platforms. Any comments posted on Slope will simultaneously appear on Slope+, and vice versa. There is absolutely no distinction between the sites.
Can I use the new site without subscribing? Sure. The design is a little different, but you are welcome to use the site (without any of the "plus" features) for free.
Should I subscribe just to support the blog from which I've been getting all this content for free all these years? Absolutely! Step right this way!
In any case, I'm pleased that the new site is out, and I look forward to growing the blog and beefing up the "pluses" that are available on the new site. Thank you, and here is the URL for Slope+