Since the December 8, 2016 U.S. Presidential election, the Dow 30 Index has gained around 42.57%, as of 2:00 pm ET today (Thursday). It also crossed above a new all-time high of 25,500, as shown on the two Daily charts below.
Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Resistance Trendlines
The little retracement yesterday made the targets on the 60min sell signals on ES and NQ, and denied SPX a record on the number of consecutive all time highs at the start of a year. However it is likely that in a week or so SPX will complete the longest ever period without a 5% retracement.
A decent three touch resistance trendline was established on ES on Monday, and I was looking for yesterday’s retracement to establish a corresponding support trendline. That is now done and I have a working rising wedge on ES with wedge resistance now at 2675 if ES can clear Stan’s resistance in the 2675 area. NQ and TF both also looking interesting and I cover all three in the video. (more…)
Best Present Positions
Context is important when trading, and in this new-lifetime-highs-every-day market of ours, it’s interesting to take note of which shorts (for example) have managed to survive the best. In that spirit, here are my “lucky seven” best profit-makers as of now on the short side. Each symbol is linked to its own SlopeChart, for your slopecharting pleasure.
A Bit of Crypto Chaos
Only the Lord knows where these will be when I post this hours from now (I’m trying to store up a few posts while I’m still conscious), but what the heck – – as of this moment, Bitcoin has cracked below its first important support level at $14k……….(UPDATE: I’m in Bratislava, Slovakia now, and I see it’s still below $14k, so there ya go).