Well, I guess the “R-Word” is off limits, so I’ll instead refer to the denizens of WSB as brain-dead. At least until the Association for Brain-Dead Dignity comes after me, at which time I’ll be foreclosed from using the “B-Word.” But, for now, brain-dead it is.
As most of you know (unless you, too, are brain dead) the WSB sub-reddit is crowded with degenerate gamblers and males in a state of arrested development. They are dreadful investors, and their hero is DFV, whose drug of choice, famously, was GME. It was one of those once-in-a-lifetime things, but attempting to behave like DFV is, I believe, akin to modeling yourself after someone who won the lottery. They got lucky, and it’s one-and-done, so it’s all a bit silly. Of course, WSB and its self-deluded victims would not exist were it not for the Fed’s wicked machinations, but this is what we’ve got to work with.