Why Not Gender Studies?

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On Monday morning, which was just four days ago (but feels like at least a month ago, and I’m serious), I asked the group what happens with owners of options in companies whose trading is halted. The day was too insane for me to check for answers, but thanks to this Forbes article, now I know.
For instance, let’s say that a month ago, you were struck by a vision that Silicon Valley Bank and Signature Bank of New York were totally doomed, and you loaded your entire portfolio into March 17 2023 puts on both of these. And then the news tumbles out, which blasts SIVB to pieces (which this chart under-represents, because the price is actually $0 now)………
I’m afraid I might have some bad news for the bears and, frankly, I’m not that surprised, because things have been absolutely glorious for a few days now, and “a few days” is about the lifespan of happiness for the bearish set.
What I am referring to is what I call the Fed Spread, which is probably a misleading and inaccurate term, but it’s my shorthand way of saying “The calculation of a bunch of Federal Reserve data that comes out every Thursday afternoon and does a good job predicting the S&P two weeks into the future.” See, it just comes out easier my way.
Over the past few days, a major bank has failed pretty much every single day (Silicon Valley Bank, then Signature, then First Republic, then Credit Suisse………you get the idea) and, naturally, the central bankers of the world did the only thing they know how to do, which is to throw literally trillions of dollars at the problem.
(more…)Gosh, I thought most Americans were imbeciles, but here they are weighing in on protein structures in cells. Way to go! Oh, and, umm, I’ll do a real post about the markets later this afternoon. Quite a week, huh?