Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Improved Preferences
When you are improving a website over a long period, you tend to get “weeds”, which is the term I use for the kind of growth and clutter and crowds into a product. This was definitely happening with the Preferences dialog box in SlopeCharts, so we decided to give it a face-lift. What used to have three tabs now has six.
In the lower left of SlopeCharts are three icons, the rightmost which resembles a gear. (The leftmost one expands the chart to full size and the middle one brings up brokerage integration).

Shorts in the Time of Cholera (Part 1 of 6)
Preface to all six parts: For better or worse, I have 75 individual short positions, all of which I am sharing this weekend. I will have three posts of ten charts each for everyone, and three posts of fifteen charts each for Gold/Diamond members only. Some key points:
- As always, click on a chart for a substantially larger version;
- You can always navigate from chart to chart once you are looking at an enlarged chart by clicking the arrow keys flanking the chart;
- I have zoomed in on what I consider the most germane part of the chart which will hopefully make plain why I am bearish on it.

Giant Meteor 2020
I surrender.
It’s quite evident that my pledge, months ago, to make Slope a politics-free zone was wise, and my decision to set that rule aside was a huge mistake. With rare exceptions (some of whom have written to personally thank me), minds cannot be changed.
I am not only re-asserting my pledge to not publish political posts, but I am extending it to the end of 2020. I cannot imagine the discord that’s coming up with the election, and I don’t want to put myself in the crossfire. I have, incidentally, made private the post SB made last night. I did her a disservice by posting it.
(more…)The Curse of Abundance
We are in the midst of daily events that would have been unimaginable only weeks ago. There is a particular aspect of the current environment I’d like to write about, and I’d like to approach it by way of a personal anecdote from many years ago.
Early in 1999, I had managed to get my little company, Prophet Financial Systems, on its feet again from a near-death experience from a few years before. The company had always been very thinly funded – – its initial starting capital was all of $3,000! – – and I had slowly and carefully nursed it from something I ran out of a spare room in my house into a real company with a real office and about a dozen employees.