The author’s new (to him) Soloflex, disassembled to rest the steel pins.
(more…)Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
You Mo Betta Wise
It was only last month that the media felt the need to offer a reassurance like this one:
Anyone notice that, now that the Dow Industrials has risen about 7,000 points, no one is running around screeching and wringing their hands about closing the markets? Yeah, I thought not. The world hates bears and loves, loves loves the bulls.
I got in my head an epic piece I want to write about this entire situation, but that’s probably best for a weekend.
(more…)Are You Not Entertained?
The Virus Longs
After the market closed on March 24th, I put together a spreadsheet of what I considered the 15 best “buys” in light of the virus sell-off. Here, in retrospect, are the 15 of them, a little more than a month later. I have placed in the caption the percentage change since I put the spreadsheet together. They are shown from worst performance to best. Ironically, the weakest performance was from none other than Gilead. I have put the percentage change in the caption of each chart.
(more…)The Power Of Faith
I have a gap in my work schedule this morning as we wait for the Fed this afternoon, so I thought I’d do a quick update on the inflection point that SPX has reached today, and talk about why the still very pervasive faith in the power of the Fed to keep asset prices up should not just be dismissed as irrational.
For me I look at the Fed and I know that I don’t see what most others seem to see, as I see a track record of successively larger failures that have created a Fed seemingly capable of trying anything to try to keep asset prices high, for fear that a serious decline in asset prices might unleash an economic whirlwind that they could not hope to control. They have my sympathy but, based on their track record, not my respect, and here is my image choice for the Fed today. If you’re enjoying some of the great demotivational posters that I’ve been using in a lot of my recent posts, and on and off for much of the last decade, check out the author website at for some good laughs and amusing gift ideas.