Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Earnings Season Reminders

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Since I have absolutely zilch to say about the market that’s new, I’d prefer to direct your attention to Slope itself.

As we are entering the heavy part of the earnings season, please take note of the information and tools available to you right here on the website that will be particularly useful. Some of these are free to all, and others require a certain level of membership. Clicking any of the titles below will give you the details.

Graphical Calendar


Oil And The Old Chinese Curse

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My last few posts have been a coronavirus COVID-19 series, so I’m putting in the links here so as to refer back to them easily for now. These are the twelve posts so far. I’m planning to finish this series with a post on the likely economic impact of COVID-19 over the coming year, and a look at the interesting search for scapegoats that is now getting started, with the obvious targets being the very strange behavior of both China and the WHO as this crisis was developing. That should conclude this series in the next week or two, though economies and markets will likely take quite a while longer to get back to anything that we might recognize as normal.


500-Point Bore

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Having experienced multiple quadruple-point days, including moves along the lines of 2,000 points, we’ve all become accustomed to unchecked mayhem. I was feeling that today was a complete bore, and I noticed the Dow was up about 500 points. This is yet another “new normal”, I guess.

The chart below is not of the Dow, but of the Russell 2000. It makes the same point in a different way. Notice how the dynamism of the small caps has sputtered into the apex of the triangle, and how the range of the bars has changed from enormous to puny.
