Now that Jerome Powell has had its scheduled moment in the sun, the markets have had a chance to react. I’ve got to tell you, things are starting to look interesting. In recent days, small caps have been carving out lower lows and lower highs:

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Now that Jerome Powell has had its scheduled moment in the sun, the markets have had a chance to react. I’ve got to tell you, things are starting to look interesting. In recent days, small caps have been carving out lower lows and lower highs:
Rest easy, everyone. The fact you haven’t had an emoji of a pregnant man or the hand-gesture made by K-Pop bands is soon to be history, thanks to the newest release of official emojis. Our troubles are over!
Well, one of the year’s eight Fed announcements just tumbled out, and although there is obviously no change in interest rates (those days are long gone, and will be very long to return) the projection as to WHEN interest rates MIGHT go up in the future (they won’t) is “news”:
I probably should be embarrassed to be talking about Coinbase, since it’s basically the tricycle (with streamers) of the crypto trading world, but screw it, yeah, it’s one of my accounts. What should embarrass me more, however, are a couple of dumb, money-wasting things I’ve done. I’d like to at least share my “a-ha!” moments with you, since some of you probably have an account there and, God help you, may be as dumb as me and might commit the same sins. So here goes:
In short, you want to avoid cash transactions like the plague, and just keep moving things from “lake to lake with a ladle” (as my former post described it) to keep those fees and commissions to a minimum.