Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

A “Translation Service”: HUI Daily, Weekly & Monthly Charts

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Note: The following is a TA post. It tries not to focus on fundamentals or the negative potential sentiment setup that could develop when Coronavirus relief finally spreads across the land. It’s the short and long-term TA of it, as it stands now.

I found this comment response to the Goldseek version of my article on the long-term gold Commitments of Traders situation to be amusing and also on point, since I know a lot of what I write can be confusing to the untrained eye amid a sea of readily digestible analysis out there. Good one, sir…



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It’s actually kind of a shame that the soulless scumbags that have created this 11 year bull(shit) market are going to have a virus to blame for its termination, since the public is too blinkered and clueless to know otherwise. Of course, the soulless Wilbur Ross, who himself will be a corpse quite soon, was gleefully declaring how the virus would restore American jobs. He’s on his third marriage (failed marriages and fractured families seem to be a requirement of this administration) , so I’m not so sure how much faith you should have in his prognostications about what anyone’s future holds.

In any case, the market continues to unravel. Every single one of my 61 short positions is profitable, and my longs (gold, bonds) are going great too. Here’s the Dow Jones Composite, following the ridiculous AMZN blow-out numbers last night, which everyone assumed would push the Dow over 30,000.
