Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Barely Legal

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For the first time this decade, the market is down a little bit, and it seems to me that we might have a chance for some actual selling before this week is over. Take note how, time and again, the /ES kept trying to push past that line but was repelled each time. Of course, what we NEED to do is break this series of higher highs and higher lows and get some worry cooking out there. As it is now, it’s still pretty much in grind mode, although this is my first good day in, oh, about two solid weeks.

Nice Looking Short Setup On Crypto

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There is a decent correlation between the trends on equity indices and Crypto, as I’ve mentioned before, and we are seeing a small but significant looking inflection point on both of them today that I was looking at in my premarket video on Crypto today.

The chart below shows one of my SPX daily charts with SOLUSD in the background. You can see the possible small double top setup on SPX here, and I have a similar setup on SOLUSD (Solana) and BTCUSD (Bitcoin), both of which I will be showing further below. The correlation isn’t perfect, but it is strong.


Doc Ellis

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The long saga of FTX ix finally behind us, now that Caroline Ellison, a woman whose face could single-handedly compel me to consider the benefits of a same-sex lifestyle, was sentenced yesterday to two years in prison for her role in the epic FTX fraud. Of course, most folks were assuming she’d walk away with no time, since she was absolutely key to the government’s prosecution of their true choice, Samuel Polyamorous Friedman. In any case, it’s heartening to see them both behind bars.

Thanks, Aztek!

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My General Motors puts continue to do well, with the fabled maker of such cars as the Cadillac Cimarron, the Vega, and Corvair slipping nearly 6% this morning predicted on a so-called downgrade. I write “so-called” because the damning words used were “Market Perform” as opposed to “Outperform”, which is as close as the bought-and-paid-for Wall Street shills come to saying “Dump every share you have of this piece of crap.”


Skimming Stones

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The day begins with the futures just a little red, owing to the fact that they weren’t given another nightly gift of $500 billion yuan to make things seem prosperous and thriving. Thus, the /ES is skimming just under the surface of lifetime highs set on Thursday (Although I will note that, over the course of 2024, a full 42 record highs have been set in the equity markets, so I guess they’re just taking a breather).
