Let me start off by saying something crystal clear: not flipping from totally bearish to totally bullish on May 20th was the biggest mistake of the past twelve months (probably twenty-four months). I mean, it was right there in front of me: these Fibonacci retracements are not new information. They’re well established. But I got greedy and I decided to wait for more profits, and then BLAMMO, here we are. It’s a damned shame.
(more…)Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
In My Write Mind
For this post, I wanted to write about something which I don’t think I’ve ever addressed, which is my experience thus far creating my first novel. I have a couple of reasons for wanting to compose a post that has nothing at all to do with charts or the markets: (1) the past couple of weeks have been absolutely brutal, and frankly I’d rather write about ANYTHING else at the moment than the freakin’ stock market (2) it’s a fun way for me to self-examine my experience with this very new adventure of mine.
As a reminder, I’ve been writing all my life – – for national magazines at age 15, my first book at age 16, and dozens of books after that. And, of course, tens of thousands (literally) of posts here on Slope. Yet although I’ve written for many decades, I’ve never tried a piece of fiction. Instead of starting off sensibly, like with a short story, I instead threw caution to the wind and am trying to write The Great American Novel.
(more…)Why SPACs Are Dead
A couple of years ago, SPACs were all the rage. It was a great way for companies that had no business ever going public to…………go public. Well, even in this insanely over-supported market with trillions of Fed Bux behind it, you can plainly see how, from a variety of business sectors and a witch’s brew of business models, the result has been pretty much the same. The entire SPAC revolution will be an interesting footnote in the long-term history of financial innovations that have come and gone.
(more…)Microsoft Pattern
This morning’s shocking news from Microsoft has been utterly neutralized.
(more…)The Purest Green
Well, poo. Last month I was really loving this stock market, and now it’s being a royal pain in the ass again. This morning, it looked like we’d be ready to have a rocking day, what with the Microsoft news and the Fed heads talking down the idea of a September pause. But then, apropos of nothing, we have gone vomiting higher, and everywhere you look assets are screaming green once more.