Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Energy Ease-Out

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A bit of a portfolio update:

  • I’ve eased out of most of my energy positions because, as the chart below illustrates, the XOP is battered down pretty hard right now. Every one threw off terrific profits. so thank you!
  • I have retained only two energy shorts: COP and CPE – – not because they seem particularly resistant to a bounce. But I don’t want ZERO energy, and these suckers have many, many months left on them, so I’m keeping ’em. And anyway, they’re showing +70% gains, and would that be any way to treat a friend?
  • My cash is up to 30% at this point, as I remain cautious in the face of bullish shenanigans.

Filling Cathie’s Gap

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We’re all aware of Cathie Wood’s horrible Ark “investments”, which were nothing more than her scurrying around chasing whatever stocks the boys in /wsb were infatuated with. Well, it worked out great in 2020 and 2021, but it has been catastrophic since then, and her desperate attempts to turn things around by mewing the word “Innovation!” at each of the 37 interviews she has every day of the year hasn’t helped.

I would respectfully suggest you keep an eye on these gaps closing as an exhaustion point for the brief recovery Ms. Wood is enjoying.


Back On The Three Day Rule Again

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Last week I was talking about a likely modest rally coming, which we have seen, and then a low retest, which we have not yet seen but I’m expecting to see this week.

After that I’m thinking we may well see a much larger rally on SPX, and one thing I was waiting to see before that rally was decent positive divergence on the weekly RSI 5, which we now have.

If we do see that larger rally, then I’d be looking for a test, and perhaps a break, of main downtrend resistance, which is at the weekly middle band, now at 4209.
