As this Knight prepares to call it a day (it’s Thursday evening as I am composing this), I wanted to note that equity futures have finally managed to get above their resistance levels. Indeed, over the past week, the markets have been banging out a fairly steady progression of higher highs and higher lows. In other words, the bulls are finally getting a break.
(more…)Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Economic Snapshot
I’ll just put this infographic before the “read more” bar, so it doesn’t gobble up the home page. Click on it for better readability………….
(more…)Melted Chocolate
Good God. I hadn’t looked at the chart for Credit Suisse (CS) in ages, but I guess that this is what ALL bank stocks would look like now if it weren’t for the infinite help of the central banks. Truly incredible how the might have fallen:
(more…)We Have a Winner
The contest for The Dorkiest Image In Human History is one of the most widely-followed and hotly-contested of the 21st century. We have, at long last, a victor, and I present it to you below. It is a virtual Cramer and a virtual Zuckerberg talking in the metaverse, which Zuck claims will be the biggest thing ever. SPOILER ALERT: it’ll be every bit as big as 3D Printing and the Oculus headset.
Our Greatest Friend
This is precisely the kind of diseased thinking that will be of persistent aid to the bears in order to get good prices at which to sell short. I didn’t chop off any other steps. This is the whole tweet.
In case you’re wondering who this guy is, let’s just say his credentials don’t surprise me.