Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Know Of These

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There are a lot of newcomers on Slope these days (the vast majority of them lurkers – – that is, folks that don’t participate in the comments section but, as with Playboy, are here just for the articles). I thought I’d mentioned a few features here on Slope that some of you may not be aware existed……

SocialTrade – see that continuously-flowing banner of images at the top of the blog? Those are the latest entries from SocialTrade, which is sort of like a Pinterest product I created for financial information. The best place to start is the Browse Stacks page, but you can access any SocialTrade features from that dropdown menu at the top. There is even an iPhone app that lets you access the many thousands of items people have stacked over the years. Finally, there are some videos I put together that make SocialTrade easy to grasp.

Jeez Louise, Bonds Breaking Out?

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Look, we are all wrong sometimes.  That is because the markets are this way one day, that way the next and then something else the day after that.  That is why we need bigger picture plans.

I for instance, have been guarded on the gold sector and technically at least, still need to see some upside parameters taken out.  But today’s market information brings a potential fundamental underpinning as the stock market flirts with some important parameters of its own.


Signs of Life

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If there’s one thing that has really stood out over the last few months it has been the SPX tape’s tendency to just stop doing anything interesting for several days at a time. SPX has tested the daily middle band as resistance every day for a coma-inducing eight days, but I was saying in my premarket video to Daily Video Service subscribers at an hour before the open that there was good reason to think that we would see breaks down on equity indices today, and we may well be seeing the start of that now. You can see that premarket video here. SPX daily chart:

170411 SPX Daily
