2020 Vision (T-8 Days)

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Preface to all parts: 2019 was a great year for the Slope of Hope, with a much wider array of tools and a record number of premium subscribers. I have extracted what I consider the best posts from the year and, for the sake of everyone’s sanity, arranged links to them in a set of ten short posts. For those who want to support the site (as this is my full time job, 365 days a year), I encourage you to open up a brokerage account at tastyworks, try out TradeMachine Pro, or subscribe to a Slope premium membership, which opens up a tremendous array of features for you and your trading. Here, then, are the posts for this segment:

Slope has another birthday

Admissions Solution
My breakthrough idea about how to solve college admissions for the rich

Torches and Pitchforks
Class warfare, bring it on!

Perhaps my favorite post of the year, examining political shifts over time

Captain Moral!
Captain Marvel: man or myth?

Old School Fake News
A favorite tale from the time of Abraham Lincoln

Not Guilty
The college admissions scandal hits close to home

Decision 2024
Getting several steps ahead analyzing elections to come