Everything is falling into place. Not the least of which is this gorgeous thing.
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For Every Season, Trim, Trim, Trim……..
I came this close to placing a buy on RUT puts a few minutes into the open, but I literally said – out loud – "don't do a THING!" It was almost like someone came into the room with a pistol and said "move your hand away from the mouse!" So I will do whatever it takes to obey my 30 minute rule, even if it means talking to myself.
I am continuing to trim positions I think have been "fully fulfilled", particularly those in the metals area. There are some issues that I think have big potential downward dollar moves ahead. Below is one, and I've got a stop set at 227.10.
Well, the unemployment numbers came out moments ago, and judging from the sudden plunge in @es0809 and @nq0809, it looks like a pretty sharp gap down. I confess I was hoping for a push back to 1261 to reload those index puts, but the market has a peculiar habit of not necessarily obeying what one individual demands of it.
It's going to be another interesting day.