Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Stops! In the Name of Love!

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Today has been superb for me. I rode the wave down for great profits. I rode the wave up for more profits still. I am, at this time, buying small positions in many stocks I consider safely priced. It is my intent to hold on to these positions for a largish number of weeks while we set ourselves up for the greatest trading environment for bears of all time….here's what I bought and the stops I've set.

AES 8.37
AGU 32.64
AMX 31.12
APD 57.68
AKS 12.42
AYE 27.23
APC 31.52
ACI 21.64
BHI 38.71
BP 42.74
CCJ 13.78
CCL 28.45
CE 17.06
CF 47.10
CLF 26.36
CNX 29.85
CCI 19.96
CVS 27.99
DECK 74.42
DE 33.99
DRQ 27.91
DRYS 19.58
EP 8.27
ERTS 28.29
FWLT 25.19
HLX 14.39
HON 33.40
ING 16.79
IR 22.68
MA 147.85
NFX 20.99
NRG 16.24
PXD 36.24
PXP 19.48
PLD 24.52
PEG 26.96
ROK 28.39
X 45.39
WG 12.79
XRX 7.95

China Doll

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It may sound nuts on a day like this, but you may consider buying FXI (in other words, go long China). Judging from the $CZH, we're at a pretty decent buying opportunity here, since we've slightly "undershot" this fan line in the past with good results.

Hope everyone is doing well today. Watch "Master and Commander" when you get a chance; it's an awesome movie that shows survival during some incredible battles and typhoons.