Slope of Hope Blog Posts

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The Earliest Signal

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As regulars know, I'm very long the market right now. I've got 36 positions, all of 'em long, and I've got a mountain of cash ready to throw at SSO, QLD, and other selected items.

I am eager, naturally, to see signs of Monday's opening. It's only 11 in the morning here on the Left Coast, and I'm puzzled to see the EUR/USD is already trading. I saw this last Sunday too. Did someone change the rules? I thought this didn't trade until 3 p.m. PST (6 p.m. EST). In any case, this very earliest signal of the reaction to the "global bailout" looks pretty positive, particularly for my mombo OIH call position.

Can anyone give me some insight as to why the EUR is open four hours earlier than normal?