Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Stand Down the Missiles!

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Some suggestions:

  • Turn off your computer
  • Read the newspaper
  • Have a beer
  • Place catch with your dog or child
  • Go on a bike ride
  • Hit the gym
  • Bake something for the family

You've looked at enough charts. So have I. I've got to study for my CMT test. I'll do a post Saturday night. I'll probably do a comment cleaner or two between now and then. It's been a ridiculous week on a lot of fronts, and I hope we don't see another one like it for quite a while. Like ever.

Freude Schoener Goetterfunken

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Quite a day so far. I've had to really hold on to my courage as the PPT has made "lunges" for the stop-loss level on the ES (888.25), but the wall is holding so far. I've been tempted to take profits on some shorts, but I am simply tightening my stops way up, since God knows I've left far too much on the table over the past month to want to repeat that mistake again.

Here's one I came this close to covering, but I am going to let it ride.

ES, Master…………

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I am short the ES with a stop at 888.25. The last line of defense is the low from the 10th at 837; if it breaks that, we may head into a free-fall. I say "may" because this plunge has been chock-full of fake breakdowns.

As for NQ, it already broke to new lows……….as I mentioned before, the idea of a Monday crash seems increasingly likely, unless we can push back the intraday highs we've already seen today and actually close in the green somehow. The triangle pattern that has been complete is quite formidable.