Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Trust the Experts

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First, your daily WTF:

Second, I was curious to see the "Wealth Track" video (which had a staggering 188 views in the past six months…) so I gave it a look-see. One of the three guests (besides the ever-delicious AJC) was a man they referred to as "the dean of Wall Street oil analysts". Well, I guess so.

He declared when this was shot back on May 23rd that oil would go "up and down and up and down" in the short-term and, longer-term, would "get down to $110 or $100 and make its bottom there" and move on to "much higher prices". If he's the best analyst that Wall Street has to offer, I'm not sure what that says about us Slopers.

What Did They Expect?

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Ummm, did someone not mention to the rest of the world that Obama was going to win? The market's treating it like some kind of huge surprise or something. I guess most folks don't hope to read the real dope on Slope. Nope.

Here's what I expect over the next four years:

  • A deflationary depression
  • Surging unemployment (and a ballooning suicide rate)
  • A massive increase in taxes
  • An elimination of the benefits of the capital gains tax
  • At least one assassination of a well-known corporate leader (past or current)
  • The imprisonment of at least a dozen major corporate leaders
  • A Dow pushing toward 4,000
  • The launch of the Tim Knight Cheerful Therapy franchise

So today's nearly 500 point ass-kick was a tremor of the things to come.

Big freakin' surprise. Sheesh.

Short Oil

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To those who like to chastise me for having more than three or four positions, here's something to tick you off: I have 183 now. Zowie.

Oil looks like a great short.

I can't fathom what people were thinking when they said the S&P would blast up just as vigorously as we fell down. I think we're going to see 5,500 next year on the Dow. Whether or not we're going to get a multi-month rally between now and then isn't something I am sure about. For the moment, I am quite short, although I still have a little more than fifty bullish positions based on the strength of the chart.