Slope of Hope Blog Posts

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Sunday Evening

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Those of you who listened to my spotlight session on Friday might have heard me mention I bought 10 ES after the close on Friday, since I thought the last spasmodic selling seemed overdone. Errr, I guess not. The ES is down another 8 points as of this writing, and I'm out of the position. Oh, well. (Update: I went ahead afterwards and bought 30 ES at 857, and I've got a stop now at anything below 860).

I appreciate everyone's link suggestions from Friday. I've created a page of my favorite trading blogs here.

I've officially given up on trying to catch up on the comments I've been missing. Even though it's just a few days, there are thousands of comments there, and I just will never find the time. It's hard enough just to try to get ready for the trading day ahead!

Anyway, I have absolutely no opinion about what this week may hold for us (which is rare for me). As you know, I've got a bunch o' longs and a bunch o' shorts, so I'm not expecting to make a lot of money (since I'm hedged) but I'm also not expecting to lose much either. At least I feel I've got plenty of good company in the No Clue What's Next camp.