Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Rat-a-Tat Chat

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Ohhhhhh this market is sure a cutie-pie, isn't it? 😐 Every single day this week was a triple-point move on the Dow (and that's understating it). I shall be decompressing until late Saturday before I do a post.

In the meantime, I have re-introduced live chat on its own page, which is here. You can access it at any time by clicking the Live Chat link in the upper-right corner. Hopefuly this will give us the best of both worlds: chat for those who want it, but the lack of chat on the main page for those who don't.

99 44/100% Pure

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My spats at bullishness over the past week have cost me dearly. Thank God for all these shorts and puts I have. May the great god Ursa forgive me for every buying stocks. I won't let it happen again.

Now let me make this important point: from the standpoint of support and resistance, nothing exists on the S&P until around 450. The price levels we are at now were all established during the virtually uninterrupted run-up from November 1994 through January 1996. There is very little price concentration anywhere near us now.

Aww, shoot, there's that bug again. You have to click "Present" to see the chart with the most recent bar. Anyway. The point is that there it's a long way until we get a "floor". It's easy to get caught up in the day to day machinations of the market. But remember this: it's all about support and resistance. And we'll have to fall another 40% from these levels before we get something to stand upon.

The Slippery Slope

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My suggestion on buying DIG yesterday was ill-conceived, obviously. I lost on that one, and in a market like this, bullish notions should be backed by staggering amounts of technical evidence.

Looking at OIH (on which I am still the unhappy owner of some call options I bought yesterday), my view is actually pretty dark on energy. I do think OIH will move higher, but not much. I think it'll fight its way back to about 78.

The bigger picture on OIH shows why; there is tremendous downward momentum and overhead supply.

It is true that the price of crude oil is now so low that it is no longer economically feasible for many countries to even pull it out of the ground. Thus, supply will fall and prices will stabilize. But these shifts move slowly, and I was a fool to think buying OIH (or DIG) was a good idea at this stage. I'm sorry.