Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.


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Wow! I don't think many people trading last night would have believed the market would close up today! (Yo, Gary Savage, hats off!) This isn't meant to be snarky (honestly), but I've really got to believe our friends over at xTrends must be getting ready to strangle the market. Every time it seems like their gravy train is coming in, zing, it disappears.

Not to say they are alone in this frustration. I thought my FAZ, SRS, and ES (short) would just rain money on my head today. Nope. They were all profitable, yes, but nothing close to what I imagined when the ES was plunging last night. In fact, I actually increased my long exposure today.

I'm going to do a spotlight session at 4:30 EST; here's the link. I am "blogged out" for now, so I'll do a post sometime this weekend. Thanks!

Clean Top on the NQ

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I guess one drawback of e-minis is that, when the months roll over, the data is very sparse, since it was so thinly traded. I've changed this to a line graph to compensate. Anyway, the NQ stopped nicely at its Fibonacci level:

Ironically, I've had such good luck with longs lately, I'm going to be buying some more in my large account (instead of just in my IRA). Some of these, including stops, will be:

APWR 3.80
ASH 8.49
FMCN 7.03
HLF 16.07
PCX 6.30
STX 4.52
BID 9.81
TCK 3.50
EXPE 6.99
PBW 7.33

The Winter of Our Content

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Oh, you guys do love to spoil me! My office is getting buried in goodies. Here are a couple of items I got today (shout out to George in Alabama and Sergio in France!)

Errr, as far as the market goes, the ES seems to have pooped out at 880; there's a pretty decent dome above that. I'm still holding on to my shorts; I got stopped out of FAZ earlier today (sold half earlier; then stopped out later). It was still a good profit, but nothing like if I'd sold at the opening bell. Ah, well; you can never tell, though, can you?