Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

It’s Too Late

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Hyperbolic, empty-headed rags like Investors Business Daily and are, of course, going absolutely ape promoting buying equities these days, and no wonder. 2023 has been a bonanza for bulls. I’d like to quietly point out a few things. The advance/decline summation chart is looking just a touch lofty right now. The notion prices are a bar-goon is, shall we saw, wrong-headed.


Best Unoriginal Screenplay

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We just finished watching Leave the World Behind (the #1 movie on Netflix!) and it was all right, except for the nausea-inducing cinematography (you’d have to watch it to see what I mean, but trust me). I was struck, and a bit alarmed, and the many themes in the movie which are identical to those I wrote about in my Solid State book, including

  • The confusion that takes place when networked devices stop working;
  • The advantages rural citizens have versus the poor souls in urban areas;
  • Potential mayhem caused by self-driving cars;
  • The ease of accusations about which foreign enemies may be the bad guys;
  • And, one so obscure that I was shocked, a specific scene in which the protagonist refuses to give a terrified middle-aged woman a ride, even though she’s pleading

I just want to be clear that I wrote ALL this stuff, including my recent revisions, before I saw this thing! Oh, by the way, the ending to the movie sucks out loud. It’s incredibly bad.

Thank You, Reddy

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Yesterday morning, it took every single morsel of determination I could muster to execute what, to my eyes, looked like the perfect trade. My self-confidence at the time was approximately 0.00, but my rational side managed to best my emotional, so I purchased “in size”, as they say, March 15 2024 $68 puts on the XLU at the point I’ve marked. It was one of those rare times when the timing was perfect.
