Here are a couple of metal-producing organizations which seem to have appealing risk/reward ratios as bearish positions. The first being Alcoa (symbol AA) with its giant rounded top:

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Here are a couple of metal-producing organizations which seem to have appealing risk/reward ratios as bearish positions. The first being Alcoa (symbol AA) with its giant rounded top:
The company website for Couchbase declares boldly that you can “Eliminate latency gap between analytics & operations” – – and, hey, which of isn’t face with that issue? In any case, symbol BASE has completed a good-looking setup, so here’s yet another long idea (of all things).
Arm Holdings (symbol ARM), which has a P/E approaching 500 at this point, just keeps raging higher. With something like this with almost no history, one can only offer the insight that it will keep going up until it stops. I will say, however, that new highs tend to beget new highs, and as the Internet bubble aptly proved, there’s really no way to tell precisely when a crazy stock will top out, stop falling, and never look back.
PLEASE NOTE I composed this before today’s dip, and frankly I think anyone who buys stuff like this is a full-on ‘tard, but……….when in Rome………
Well, once again, here on ostensibly perma-bearish Slope, I had evidence of offering up a long idea that, in a matter of weeks, doubled in price. I’m referring to Affirm Holdings (AFRM) which, last month, I wrote this post pointing out the completion of its bullish pattern. I’ll follow this up by saying I think this 100% pop is pretty much all the potential I think this pattern has.
PLEASE NOTE I composed this post before today’s “micro crash“, and considering how AFRM got nuked, yeah, I was spot-on both up and down on this one.
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