Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Bona Fides

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Want to read about a company that sounds amazing? Check out these credentials! Look at the names!

Cool, huh? Want to invest? Well, you can sure do so cheaply, because this company – – Desktop Metals (symbol DM) has been a complete piece of dog shit in the rain. So, umm, yeah, MIT, Kleiner Perkins, almost a quarter BILLION dollars in funding, and all the rest are as fallible as the rest of us!

Four Star Signal

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If you want a contrarian signal, I’ve got one for you. This weekend, I wrote to every single one of Slope’s 4-Star generals – – – an elite group that is, by virtue of their active participation on the site, demonstrate their passion for Slope. Specifically, I wrote to those with free Sloper accounts, encouraging them to demonstrate their unabashed support for Slope not just with their 4-star-ness but also with a paid membership, giving them access to all our amazing goodies.

Want to know how many signed up? ZERO!

The fact I have to crawl around on my knees begging people to crack open their VERY, VERY TIGHT wallets is just another data point for me that people are convinced stocks will never, ever go down again. There will be a time in which I am drowning in subscriptions, and when that happens, I hope to have enough sense to get out of every bearish position I possibly can. Until then………..JESUS some of you are – – ummm – – thrifty. It’s honestly beyond belief. If we go out for a meal, I guess I’m picking up the check.


For Sure, You Betcha

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I’m traveling, which tends to handicap my trading. This morning, the handicap was probably beneficial, because the day started off pretty badly but, over the course of about an hour, healed dramatically for obvious reasons:

Every position is profitable – – many, richly so – – with the champion being Starbucks, which is sporting a 48.6% profit on those put options. We’re only one hour into the H2 2024, but I like it!