Slope of Hope Blog Posts

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Body-Slam of AI by GS

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Our fellow Sloper, 5-star general Violet, was kind enough to share an article which pisses me off only because I didn’t write it. It goes on at great length about how how Goldman Sachs had penned a lengthy report completely slamming the AI Hype (which is a level of honesty I thought impossible at GS). Here’s a tiny excerpt from the article:

This report is so significant because Goldman Sachs, like any investment bank, does not care about anyone's feelings unless doing so is profitable. It will gladly hype anything if it thinks it'll make a buck. Back in May, it was claimed that AI (not just generative AI) was "showing very positive signs of eventually boosting GDP and productivity," even though said report buried within it constant reminders that AI had yet to impact productivity growth, and states that only about 5% of companies report using generative AI in regular production.
For Goldman to suddenly turn on the AI movement suggests that it’s extremely anxious about the future of generative AI, with almost everybody agreeing on one core point: that the longer this tech takes to make people money, the more money it's going to need to make.

I strongly encourage you to read it, because it is absolutely fascinating.