The Big Short

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I imagine most of you have heard of The Big Short by famed author Michael Lewis. It's been a best-seller for weeks.

One might assume that I would be standing in front of his publisher's office when the book came out to get the first copy, given the subject matter. Well, I was awfully interested, so a day or two after it came out, I went to Amazon to order it. I was surprised to see that there were many reviews, and almost all of them were one star (which is the worst). 

I thought – wow, Lewis finally has a stinker on his hands, after a series of best-sellers! What I didn't realize, since I didn't read the reviews, was that all those one-stars were simply people griping that the book wasn't on the Kindle! The nasty reviews had nothing to do with the content; the "reviewers" hadn't even read the book. They were simply frustrated that they couldn't download it, so they were venting. Not cool.

In any case, I bought a good old-fashioned made-from-trees book, and I'm absolutely loving it. I highly recommend it to Slopers, since it's as good as its best-selling status suggests. (I will also note that now the average rating is about three and a half stars, now that actual readers have had a chance to put in their two cents).
