Adding to RUT

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It's sometimes tempting to trade more actively. I saw a nice four-figure (nearly five-figure) profit on my screen this morning. I walk away to make a bowl of oatmeal. I come back, and it's a four-figure loss. And it's not because something dramatic happened. But the market is going to wiggle its way up or down constantly. My intuition tells me that trying to overly optimize one's trading profits is probably a great way to wind up with a $0 balance.

So I'm taking it easy, and the only action this morning is to beef up my Russell 2000 put position, since I think what we have at the moment is a pretty nice retracement on the (admittedly small) H&S pattern that finally was realized yesterday.

I'm going to be pretty quiet today, as I've got an important most-of-the-day meeting. See ya later…..