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One of the readers of this blog wrote me a very eloquent email today expressing his frustration at having a horrible April (in spite of the first quarter being really good). That struck a familiar chord.

What he decided to do was this: he has two accounts, and he has decided to trade one with a bullish bias and one with a bearish bias.

Now, I know many would react saying, "You shouldn't trade with any bias at all! Just do what the charts say!" Well, that's easy to declare, but let's face it – – no one – – not you, not me, not anyone – – can be certain which way the market is going to go in a given period of time. I contend you could ask any experienced chartist to make a bullish or bearish argument for any given stock, and they could probably do a convincing job of it.

I'm getting so disgusted with the OIH-driven nuttiness that I'm considering taking on a similar strategy. I'd be interested to know what others here think of the idea of trading half of one's assets with charts that appear bullish and the other half with charts that appear bearish.