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I never thought much of the term "MicroHoo" that was coined back on February 1st. It seemed like something a bit NSFW (and even fairly alluring). But not business-like.

In any case, it's a term that needn't be used, because YHOO has thumbed its nose at a deal that they will probably be begging to have back in a few months. Formerly large tech companies that get past their prime (Netscape, AOL, Sun) don't typically turn around and get big again. They get irrelevant.

It'll be interesting to see what each stock does Monday morning. I would guess YHOO would get hammered and MSFT might actually go up since they're not engaging in this not-so-bright transaction.

I spent part of the weekend at the Maker Faire, which, culturally, is probably the closest I'll ever get to Burning Man. I've never felt so normal in my life. For a stick-in-the-mud like me, it was a freak show, with:

  • The largest concentrated collection of man boobs on the planet
  • Fishnet stockings on many pairs of legs, most of which would permanently destroy any sexual appeal in a man's mind for fishnet stockings
  • Garb that looked straight out of Dickensian England
  • Long-haired hippie freaks
  • Long-haired women (err, that would be on the armpits)

I did get to revisit my childhood fondness for model rocketry, but I left the place feeling like Mr. Middle America. It wasn't all bizarre, though. At least there were about ten men driving self-propelled cupcakes. So that balanced things out a bit.