Prophet Survey

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For all the countless hours I spend working on this blog for free, I'm asking you to take a few minutes to answer a poll. OK, the guilt trip is over now! Honestly, if you'd be kind enough to answer a few questions, I'd genuinely appreciate it. (And, sorry, since the market was so dull today, this is going to suffice for my afternoon entry).

Let me first explain why I'm even doing this poll in the first place. Some of you know that I founded many, many years ago, and I sold it over three years ago. Frankly, not much of anything has happened with the site (with the exception of ProphetCharts' introduction), and I am hoping for the opportunity to completely redo and "relaunch" the site later this year.

The present idea I have is to relaunch Prophet as trading platform for chartists. So you'd be able to trade directly from Prophet, have all your trading information reflected within the site, and (naturally) enjoy blogs (starting with Slope, and expanding into others) within the platform. I personally find there is a huge, huge amount of "secretarial work" I have to do when trading (cutting and pasting symbols from place to place, moving items from list to list based on whether I have a position in them, updating cash balances, entering new positions into MarketMatrix, and so on).

So I've got a few questions to ask to help me see if I'm on the right track or if I should take a different tack. (Note: the term drawn object, used below, means something you'd drawn in ProphetCharts, such as a trendline, a Fibonacci retracement, a horizontal line, etc). Please choose an answer for each question, and click "Vote" for each one.

Lastly, if you are a current (or former) user and have any other specific suggestions for really fundamental ways to improve the site, I'd love to hear from you (or just leave a comment in the comments section of this post). Thanks, everybody!