Circadian Error

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My usual morning routine is:

5:30 a.m. – Son wanders into bedroom, gets me out of bed

5:30 a.m.-6:30 a.m. Catch up on emails, look at charts, tidy up house – generally be prepared for the day

6:30 a.m.-7:00 a.m. Watch the market and assess the lay of the land; consider what stops to update, if any

7:00 a.m. Well-prepared for the trading day

Today, instead, it went more like this……

5:00 a.m. – Son tries to wake me up; I tell him it's too early

7:00 a.m. – Eyes open, glance at clock, I see the market has been open for half an hour; I fly down the stairs. I see all the indexes are way down, but I have no idea what has happened the past half hour, no idea what the charts look like, and no time to prepare. ARGH!

After a very hasty glance at the index charts, I bailed 100% out of my Russell puts and IWM puts. It is very rare I screw up like this, but I'm off to a late start. The morning is good so far, and I'm trying to determine if I should go long anywhere. Feh!