Good Morning, Baltimore

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Well, I guess the Saudi announcement on Sunday didn't mean squat. Energy is just as "up" as ever. I'm typing this 40 minutes into the trading day, and the initial pop in equities has faded somewhat.

I have, after careful observation over the past week, concluded why housing prices in Palo Alto are several hundred percent higher than the rest of the country. It's because much of the rest of the country sucks is less optimal for enjoyable living. At least here in Baltimore.

I keep getting accosted by homeless people, even when I'm eating in a restaurant. Just last night, I was having a nice dinner (in a relatively nice part of town) in the outdoor portion of a restaurant with family and friends. Up comes this bedraggled guy…….

Homeless Dude: Hey, there…..

Your Humble Narrator: Kee-rist…..

H.D.: Hey, can I have something you don't want?

Y.H.N.: Errrr, sure (grabbing big basket of fresh bread)

H.D. (staring at it): This is just bread!

Y.H.N.: (pausing for a moment in amazement): Haven't you ever heard beggars can't be choosers? {Editor's note: I realize that in this modern age, he probably thinks of himself as Chronically Disenfranchised or something, but I still consider him simply a bum….)

H.D: Well. All right (Takes baskets and leaves; the restaurant will never see that basket again)

In any event, I'll be flying off tomorrow morning back to the land of zillionaires and wannabes. At least the homeless people there will be ones that I know.