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I'd like ProphetCharts users to know that there is (finally!) import/export built into the program. In other words, you can export a watch list into a text file and also import a text file so it creates a watch list. This is most helpful for thinkorswim users, since it creates a "bridge" between the two programs.

To export a watch list (which is just a simple .csv file made up just of the symbols themselves), right-click on the watch list name and choose Export Watch List

That lets you save the .csv file wherever you want. To import a list (for instance, from a list that the TOS software generates with its own export command), choose Import from the Watch Lists menu.

Isn't that simple? Even a bull could probably handle it!

And here's an arty shot of your humble narrator, having woken up on his last day here at 5:30 to put together a post for his readers. Good-bye, Las Vegas!