A Comment on Comments

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Although it seems to me that the act of posting a comment is very straightforward, I've received more than a few emails from people asking how to post a comment (and even where to read comments!). So, a few quick tips and remarks:

(a) To read comments for a post, simply click on the title of the post itself (in this instance, the hyperlinked subject at the top, "A Comment on Comments"). You will see the comments at the bottom of the post, if there are any (and there are usually a bunch).

(b) To participate in comments, you need to be signed up with Disqus, which is free, of course. You can sign up at their web site in just a few moments. Please take the take to give yourself an avatar (the little picture that appears next to your name) to give you a bit of street cred.

(c) Also, take a moment to read my page on comments and community. It will help you and everyone else here. Thanks!