Brilliant Mistake

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Two hilarious things just happened.

First, in the middle of the trading day, with about two zillion dollars of positions, my puppy chewed through my network cable. It took a few minutes to realize what had happened, and thank God my network guy was able to fix it quickly. I was planning on having Dog Stew tonight if we couldn't get it worked.

Second, I was really dismayed watching the OIH sunk, since I thought it was going to firm up. I had bought a bunch of calls earlier today. And I was confused that my portfolio was holding up so strongly. I was even more bewildered to see the position in the green………..then I noticed……….it was a put! That's right; I'm so used to buying puts, that I used the wrong side of the options chain and accidentally bought puts instead of calls.

Proving, once again, that God is a bear. He's looking out for me. Yeah!