Going Out on a Limb

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As frequent readers know, I started the day with 70 SPY puts. I sold 20 near the open. Then I sold 25 more. However, I re-purchased 25 (and then 20 more, bringing me back up to 70) near the highs of the day, and I once again have 70 puts on SPY (I have trimmed here and there, but by and large by positions are unchanged).

I realize there is a risk of the fine public servants in D.C. annoucing on Sunday God-knows-what and the market spiking higher. I am willing to take that risk, and I am willing to ride it out. The whole world is going to be on pins and needles this weekend, and if there's no deal, what's going to start to dawn on people is that the world still hasn't ended yet, and maybe we don't need to screw with things.