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This schedule is grinding my body into hamburger. Ugh. I can only hope I manage to get up as early as I need – – like 3 a.m. – – to go through all my charts. There's no way I am able to do any kind of epic post right now. I can't even manage to read the comments (one of my favorite aspects of doing this blog).

In a macro sense, everything I've been talking about all these months is finally happening. The trade in $UTIL is a great example. So I am hopeful that the kinds of suggestions discussed here, particularly in the past eight weeks, have yielded the collective readership of this blog many millions of dollars in profits.

The saying that "nobody makes money in bear markets, including the bears" is starting to make sense to me. I'm making money, but God almighty, it's exhausting. In retrospect, it need not be, because you just let things fall to pieces. But given the way the market can rip higher unexpectedly, playing "defense" with one's profits takes a lot of vigilance.

The market is bound to snap higher sometime soon. I thought it was going to be today, and that cost me a portion of the day's profits (and a large opportunity cost). Given the "rush for the exits" near the day's end, it's obvious the notion of holding stocks for more than one trading day has become terrifying for people.

Gobbling up index puts at this point seems horrifically risky. I need to clear my mind and look at all my charts to really find out what I'm going to do next (whether taking profits on my existing shorts or selectively going long battered positions). A few hours of sleep is what I need now. I'll do a post before the open.