Now We Wait

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Until Sunday evening, there isn't much left to say. If a bailout plan is hammered out and agreed upon, I suppose markets will rally – – maybe even rally big. If there is stalemate, I suppose markets will be soft.

The chart of the DIA sort of says it all: (1) a decent bullish engulfing pattern today, pushing the Dow up triple digits after opening down triple digits; (2) and yet absolutely anemic volume, day after day, since September 18th's madness.

This was a good week for me; my portfolio hit a new peak at today's close. I am vulnerable, absolutely, to some kind of bullish shock on Monday (I'm saying this mainly for the benefit of those bulls that grit their teeth when they've been reading about my profits lately; some have actually complained via email). But you want to know the funny part? If a bailout is announced, I will view it at a selling opportunity, and if a bailout stumbles, I will view it as a buying opportunity. How's that for being a contrarian?

In any case, there's just no visibility right now with all the political hijinx. I'm going to enjoy the debates tonight and will be watching what happens in D.C. with great interest this weekend. I'll probably do a post Sunday night. See you then.