Who Had Broker Trouble?

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OK, change of heart, I wanted to do one other quick post before the weekend.

I'd like to know (via the comments section) who had troubles with their broker this week? By that I mean downtime, bad fills, and other horror stories. I had a couple of bad "events", one of which was that Principal was down all day long.

If you're not comfortable sharing your story in comments, you can email me (see the "Contact Me" link in the upper right). Thank you! (By the way, if you decide to give thinkorswim – – my employer – – a try, use the ad on the right column here on this blog. No, I don't get any money for you doing so, but frankly my employer is nice to host this blog, and it would be good for those who haven't tried it to "show some love" and try a new platform!)

I will be doing a post this weekend, by the way (probably Sunday). There will be plenty of charts!