Sitting Out Futures

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For a while there, I was enjoying participating in the e-mini futures late at night. As of recently, I've decided to sit those out, because the risk/reward has become way too lopsided and the motion too unpredictable. For example, yesterday afternoon everything was up strong. In the middle of the night, ES and NQ were down hard. And now, as I sit here shortly before the open, they are down only a little bit. So the ability to profit without getting whipsawed to death in this market is probably quite rare.

My disposition remains the same….bullish on oil, gold and commodities, bearish on the dollar, and cautiously bullish on equities. Examine my watch lists to see how I am straddling the uncertainty with my longs and shorts, but I am tilting bullish in general at this point.

This is going to be a week rich with reports and events, so the buffeting waves are bound to continue. Courage, lads and lassies!