Wow. Just Wow.

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I have been awake since yesterday, and this market has been like the Battle of Verdun. Fortunes were made and lost today. Lives were changed, some for the better, some for the worse. Trading profitably in a market like this is very, very, very hard. Very.

My profits were substantial today, but being the kind who never gets tired of self-flagellation, they could have been a lot bigger. I have a very mixed portfolio at this point – – a large quantity of puts and shorts whose stops I have tightened up, and a large quantity of long positions, including several very substantial index call positions that were acquired at very good prices today and are way into the green. Check out my watch lists to see.

I've got a pretty full afternoon. I will do a post later, although it probably won't be anything epic. I think we've all got to meditate a bit on what today was all about and where to go from here. Phew!!