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Lest anyone think I say every single day is perfect, today has been pretty rough, in contrast to the past three days, all of which were insanely profitable. First off, I got stopped out of my FXP, SDS, and EEV positions right at the open because I had my stops way too tight, so I saw $50k in profits vanish instantly. I then went aggressively long OIH and SSO, and that was a fiasco. The good news is that I have so many short positions, there was no way humanly possible to close them out and harm myself! So I'm still sitting pretty on a huge quantity of shorts and puts.

I've tried to make up for some of the damage by selling off a bunch of ES at 852, and that has helped. But I've been mostly all thumbs so far today. The only bullish position I'm still holding on to at this point is the Russell 2000 calls, on which I've got a contingent stop at $441.92.