Using RL with ProphetCharts

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One of the most rewarding things about this blog is the other sites it has helped spawn/grow. Some favorites include Luna $ Ticks, Evil Speculator, and Retracement Levels.

Regarding that last one, I get a free email from 2sweeties (just like you can……..) which has the most statistically probable reversal lines. What I do with this information is take the most likely reversal level (both above and below) and make a highlighted area on my @ES chart. Here, for instance, is my chart for today:

This serves as a valuable guide and reminder throughout the day (yesterday, for instance, the reversal level was about 960, which was nailed just about perfectly). Now, looking at this graph, it seems to me that a plunge below the lower level is most likely, assuming the market continues to weaken……….but I take heed of the reversal level posted, since it has been so helpful in the past.

(As a matter of full disclosure, I will again state that I have extracted a 70% royalty from 2sweeties for all subscription fees, which currently range from $0 to $0.00).