Your Wish List

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I think I'll forego any further market commentary today; you know where my disposition stands, if you've been reading earlier posts today.

However, I'd like to turn the table around and ask you a question: that is, what other things would you like to see from a blog like this? And I'm not just narrowly talking about Slope and me. I'm talking about the entire financial blog experience.

What new features do you wish were here? What kinds of things do you wish the comments system could do which it doesn't do? If there were other bloggers in this platform, how would you like those blogs to interact? What kind of integration would you like to see among users?

One specific thing I'm planning to add extremely soon is an easy way for readers to post their own charts via ProphetCharts. It's a little silly, I think you'll agree, that people have to post URLs to competing chart platforms. It would make a lot more sense, in the comments section, for a person to be talking about such-and-such a chart and, click, be able to post the chart.

Anyway, I'm eager to hear your ideas. Thank you!