The Day That Wasn’t There

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Ummm, so yeah, Slopers, I have pretty much nothing to say about the market that I didn’t already say in my posts this weekend, and here’s why:


So with a market this stuck-in-the-muck, frozen with fear (or excitement) about the blinkered, idiotic Central Bankers that dominate 48 hours (late Tuesday through early Wednesday), this is pretty much just a waiting game and a big waste of time.

My dream scenario for the market overall, once the CBs do their jawboning, remains the same:


But as I said this morning, because Yellen is, at her core, completely evil, I have lightened up considerably and don’t plan to be aggressive until the old biddy is done. God, I hate that woman with a passion. My expressive ability falls short of doing my feelings justice.

Anyway, as much as I’d like to entertain you good people with rollicking speculations and observations, Monday might as well not ever have happened, and I suspect Tuesday might be more of the same.