Slope of Hope Blog Posts

Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.

Present Positions (4 of 4)

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Preface to all four parts: Since the market has been just grinding away for a solid month, there’s nothing new I have to say about the equity markets in general that hasn’t been said many times already. Therefore, I present to you all forty of my present portfolio positions in four separate parts, and I’ve zoomed in on what I consider the most germane portions of the chart. For each of these, I am long puts (expiring no earlier than October, but in many cases early in 2023) which are deep in-the-money. As usual, click on any chart to see a larger, screen-filling version of it.


A Look Under the Hood (by XerxesTraderGF)

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OK. Friday was a rough day. It feels like we were on a road trip. We finally hit the road, a few speed bumps along the way, but we finally hit the highway and started to pick up speed. “Hey, we are making great time! I think we have a few miles of open road ahead of us!” Then we heard some thumping noise and we have to pull over. That was Friday.

It sucks, but we need to check things out. It doesn’t mean the road trip is cancelled. So it’s time for a look under the hood. Is everything ok? Can we continue our road trip now?


Present Positions (3 of 4)

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Preface to all four parts: Since the market has been just grinding away for a solid month, there’s nothing new I have to say about the equity markets in general that hasn’t been said many times already. Therefore, I present to you all forty of my present portfolio positions in four separate parts, and I’ve zoomed in on what I consider the most germane portions of the chart. For each of these, I am long puts (expiring no earlier than October, but in many cases early in 2023) which are deep in-the-money. As usual, click on any chart to see a larger, screen-filling version of it.
