When I was a kid, Walter Cronkite would have announced the Martians had taken over the White House, and everyone would have taken it as the gospel truth. These days………not so much.
Slope of Hope Blog Posts
Slope initially began as a blog, so this is where most of the website’s content resides. Here we have tens of thousands of posts dating back over a decade. These are listed in reverse chronological order. Click on any category icon below to see posts tagged with that particular subject, or click on a word in the category cloud on the right side of the screen for more specific choices.
Checking On The Spirits
It’s clear from this morning that the bulls are still utterly in control of this market. There was a bit of red this morning, but that’s all been dispatched. I thus remain in “let’s wait until they get this out of their system” mode, principally by way of watching crypto. It’s perplexing, since Ethereum seems quite close to being done with its run……
(more…)Netflix Lays an Egg
Imagine how much this is playing out right now, especially in /WSB-land:
1. People bought short-dated $NFLX calls yesterday;
2. Earnings come out and it’s a blowout;
3. $NFLX call owners spend the evening picking out the color of their Lambo;
4. They wake up this morning ,and their calls are DOWN, since almost all the stock’s rip higher is gone, and of course the volatility is zeroed out.
Weak Week
Good morning, beloved Slopers. And I say good morning since the /ES isn’t up 300 points right now. But, honestly, just think of how much has changed in a single week’s time. Last week, at precisely the moment I am typing these words, the market was in a total free-fall thanks for the white-hot inflation numbers that that had just tumbled out. Since that time, evidently, ALL the problems that had caused market weakness all year long have been totally solved, and Mr. Jason Goepfert (and, come on, let’s face it, Knight is such a better name) declares the following for the world of Wall Street Shills and Permabulls: