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Well, yes, the /ES is down, but it is meaningless. All that’s going on is that we’re unwinding a little bit of the “explode higher for no particular reason in just a few moments” that took place yesterday just before the cash close. Meh. BFD.

Crude oil is still looking reasonable for a dip.

The only clean pattern is with the Russell 2000 futures, which is still set up nicely at its neckline.

I’m not sure precisely when the vote is, but today is slightly historic, because Congress will in all likelihood kick George Santos’ well-loved booty out of Congress. I’m not sure why all the articles refer to him as a “fabulist” (instead of “compulsive liar”), but maybe it sounds like “fabulous“, which is a word more appropriate for the fellow.

Oh, one last thing. If you feel like a fresh bout of self-flagellation, don’t forget Slope’s oldest but coolest pages, the Woulda Shoulda Coulda tool. You can figure out just how many tens of millions of bucks (or hundreds of millions) you missed out on over the past twenty just by not just buying AAPL or NFLX and sitting on it. It’s quite a psychological treat!